Oaxaca Mixteca

Oaxaca Mixteca


Fruity, caramel, chocolate.

Additional cupping notes: Bright, juicy acidity, creamy body. Floral notes, milk chocolate, caramel, lemon, grape, cherry

Feliz Dia is raised organically and sold through the Fair Trade portal by the Mixteca Alta del Pacifico coffee cooperative from the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, Mexico. The region is home to the Mixteca and Zapoteca indigenous peoples. The cooperative's headquarters is in the town of Santa Maria Yucuhiti, and membership consists of 172 producers. Most producers own between 1 and 3 hectares, which sit between 900 and 1,700 meters above sea level. Producers in the area embrace shade-grown methods, using native trees to shelter their coffee plants. They also value the region’s longtime tradition of handpicking, which ensures that only ripe beans are picked. Each farm has its own wet mill, with a hand-cranked de-pulper and small cement fermentation tanks, as well as a drying patio, either beside the house or on the roof. And, all members are committed organic standards: Coffee is grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers and using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment.

Roasted on demand in small batches in Berthoud, Colorado.

Whole Bean or Ground:
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